VeraVault provides a secure and efficient alternative to traditional backup methods such as tape or CD/DVD. Fire, flood, theft - not a problem. Your data is safely stored at VeraVault's backup facility so you no longer need to worry about your tapes being stored in a location susceptible to damage. Remote backup is becoming the data protection solution of choice for all sized businesses. Secure the future of your business.
Special Offers
Plans Start at $15
• Web Restore
• Daily Retention
• Unlimited Bandwidth
Plans Start at $25
• Web Restore
• Unlimited Retention
• Unlimited Bandwidth
Yearly Plans
• Limited Time Offer
• Applies to VeraHome
• Applies to VeraPro
How it works

Offsite backups protect you against data loss from hardware failure, intrusion, and more by providing copies of your data that are stored in a separate and secured location. This allows you to retrieve your data as of the last backup at any time, day or night, no matter what the reason.
All of our backup servers use Raid5 disk arrays, and sit on a 1000 Mbps internet connection. Your backups are safe, secure, and most of all, FAST! |